All posts by Steve Ouellette
Four Add-ons that Make Google Sheets and Forms Super Awesome
If you haven’t heard of New Visions Cloud Lab, this fantastic project associated with New Visions for Public Schools offers a range of add-ons that greatly extend the functionality of the G-Suite platform, particularly Google Sheets and Google Forms. In this blog post, I feature four New Visions add-ons that are really helpful in creating … Continue reading Four Add-ons that Make Google Sheets and Forms Super Awesome
Screen Time: Seeking a Healthy Balance of Technology Use
Our district recently completed it’s 5-year plan to become fully one-to-one with Chromebooks in grades 3 – 12. We started this journey back in the fall of 2013 with a rollout of Chromebooks at the high school, back when these devices were still something of a novelty. In the fall of 2018, we equipped our … Continue reading Screen Time: Seeking a Healthy Balance of Technology Use
Peer Instruction – Don’t Give up on the Lecture Yet
The traditional classroom lecture has come under fire lately with calls for student-centered learning, personalization, collaboration, and increased student agency. All these things are great and I wholeheartedly support efforts by teachers to transform their teaching from the traditional to one where teachers act as facilitators for learning. That being said, there are times when … Continue reading Peer Instruction – Don’t Give up on the Lecture Yet
Classroom Management in a 1-1 Environment
When our school went 1-1 a several years ago, we anticipated that classroom management would be a potential challenge for teachers. In an effort to be proactive, we held a meeting with faculty before our roll-out to provide them with some ideas for how to adapt to this new environment. Here are some of the … Continue reading Classroom Management in a 1-1 Environment